Online Video Marketing Tips for Affiliate Marketing Success


Online Video Marketing

Marketing through the Internet has been proven effective by vastly improving numbers with many “new age” webpreneurs. Many small company skeptics are searching for overwhelming reasons to say “NO” to putting money into advertising online, yet 1-in-3 have tangibly committed to doing this through the break of 2011. The culture of offline clients is fast-changing, much like its  Atticus Blogentrepreneurs.

Should you be looking for marketing with video tips for affiliate marketers, I’d like first to reveal why video marketing has become so important. In 2008, YouTube surpassed Yahoo as the Internet’s 2nd largest search engine. Since then, Google has had its subsidiary company, YouTube, towards the moon using video.

Brian Tracey, an acclaimed and touted sales expert, said, “Using video, rather than the traditional sales presentation protocols (PowerPoint flip charts), is 50% better at relaying a note.” Tracey discrete the truth that we must be a world obsessed by the one-eyed monster.

TV, video games, interactive websites, and many other visually stimulating selling channels leave video marketing experts to use this tool more often when satisfying a customer’s needs. Suppose you promise to follow these four online video marketing tips for the internet marketer. In that case, I guarantee you will not be disappointed using the results – you can take that towards the bank.

Affiliate Marketing

1. Cater to your consumer’s reliance on the Internet and mobile media. Driving business by benefiting from these new platforms so that your prospects and customers will find you, hear about you, and, ultimately, buy from you isn’t a “wild west” idea. The marketing paradigm has shifted.

2. Marketing has shifted from a one-way broadcast to a multi-point conversation. In the past, communications were “broadcast” exclusively through mass marketing channels like radio, TV, newspapers, and the door-to-door distribution of directories like the Yellow Pages and other print publications.

3. Be aware of the numbers behind marketing via video. YouTube sees 2 million videos uploaded daily and 4 million videos auto-played daily, but for the last 14 months, the house page of has been out of stock.

4. Once uploading a video, use the free “hotlink” by typing in your site address since the first things in the description area. This 4th tip is critical because most don’t understand that selling with video is to drive traffic toward your website, ultimately letting you monetize it.

5. Keep the videos under two minutes unless you present a training video. Your audience already knows you and the worthiness they will get from spending time with you.

6. Grab people’s attention right out of the gate by letting them know about the fantastic value you’re about to deliver for them and make use of it Immediately. Don’t save the punchline ‘until the end… there might be no one there to listen to it! Then, deliver concise, high-quality, relevant information to your target audience, and they will continue to watch your video towards the end, and your marketing goals will be accomplished.

7. You need to tell people EXACTLY what you want them to complete. And here’s the second essential part: Allow them to adhere to that action NOW.

8. Make use of a REAL PERSON. The times of putting a soundtrack without anyone’s knowledge and pasting photos or images in your videos are done and also over with. People still use this same tactic, but no one gets involved with it anymore. Possessing a real person to talk to in your video is more essential than ever. This may either be yourself, a buddy, or someone you hire. The very best marketing with video tips will emphasize the requirement for legitimacy. Your video can come off a lot more legitimate than having a real person. Given the decent presentation, the results will speak on their own in successful sales.

9. Make use of a REAL CAMERA. The reason for this isn’t to use a web camera off your computer. You are not video chatting; you’re selling. It is mind-boggling how many marketers will have these flashy sales pages, yet they present their videos in this lousy web camera fashion. If you are planning to video market, then still do it. Use a minimum of a halfway decent camera (it doesn’t have to be an HD camcorder). This shows that you worry about what you are presenting, and you’re not only some sloppy amateur who flips on the camera. You would not market with bad-looking websites, so don’t use bad-looking videos.

The best video marketing tips will be the ones that pinpoint the current, relevant times by which we live. This isn’t the 90s anymore, where people would view 30 minutes of Tony Robbins infomercials. This is the digital environment where people completely Live and eat the model of quick and concise. Think about it: texting, tweeting, Facebook, and Google are fundamental essentials and the most popular tools of our digital environment. Plus, they all focus on quick and concise communication. Do you want individuals to be careful about your videos? 10. Build your Videos QUICK and CONCISE. Make them short. Communicate quickly in an easy manner.

11. You have to be CONVINCING. It goes along with the busy digital environment, which was focused on in the last point. Imagine your viewer has his cell phone in his hand, and it is dying to make a tweet or send a text. Now, imagine what it will likely take to prevent him from doing this. That is the degree of “convincing” you must take inside your marketing videos.

Many people will wonder why I’ve not discussed SEO and other tactics to obtain views for your videos. Instead, I’ve stressed making quality, concise, and convincing videos since the most important marketing with video tips. This last point may be key to getting visitors or traffic for your videos. 12. Use a VIDEO VIEW INCREASING Service. Don’t use anything but a service (one that uses “real human views” to increase traffic instead of a bot program) to obtain your video views. Once you have that initial rise in views, your video can rank higher than all the SEO work you might have done. Incredibly, more marketers haven’t realized this yet because this method is easy and almost automatic to generate enormous amounts of visitors to your videos.